Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kon Tikki

More recent explorers from this area include Thor Heyerdahl, who in 1947 sailed a raft made of balsawood, the Kon Tikki, from Morocco to Barbados.

Then in 1970 sailed across the Atlantic in a boat made of papyrus, the Ra II. This explorer died in 2002, but is known for his quirky scientific experiments. Heyerdahl sailed these routes to prove to the scientific community that historically it is possible that cultures could have interacted earlier than current belief.

An interesting fact about Heyerdahl: He and his wife decided to be dropped off on a deserted island with nothing but the bare essentials. They wanted to live off the land. They scavenged for berries and mangos, drank water from fresh water springs, and built their own home out of sticks and leaves from local trees. They ended up having to be rescued from the island as the native people threatened to kill them.

Borders? I have never seen one.
But I heard the exist in the minds of some people.

-Thor Heyerdahl

To learn more about Thor Heyerdale check out:

  • Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific by Raftby Thor Heyerdahl which is about his adventure travelling across the Pacific Ocean on a raft. There is a movie of this as well!
  • Green Was the Earth on the Seventh Day: Memories and Journeys of a Lifetime by Thor Heyerdahl which is about his adventure with his wife trying to live off the land on a deserted island (he and his wife eventually have to be rescued because the native people of the island were threatening to kill them).

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